viernes, noviembre 20, 2009


Wow! I haven't been writing here in years!!! Seriously..since 2007 I haven't touched this blog. Coz since July 2007 I had a job in a theme park that took up almost all of my time. I just resigned in June 2009, because I wanted to continue my studies.

Now what I've been doing since July 2009 is continuing my studies. Trying to get a Master's Degree in Business Management, or MM (Magister Management) as they call it here in Indonesia.

Soo many things to say,, but don't have the time right now...

Hope to be writing more in here :)

jueves, febrero 01, 2007

so close

So close, yet so far,
That's what you are.
Look over here.
Can't you see that I'm near?

For someone, who wouldn't even realize this is for him.

Why so close? Yup, he was so close I could touch him.
Why so far? We're livin' in different "worlds".

lunes, enero 01, 2007

New Year's Resolutions for 2007~ be it..every year it's the same resolutions, and I never could fulfill 'em 100%.. But then I still wanna put some as my 2007 Resolutions.. here goes something...

  1. Lose weight!! This is soooo hard to do.. I get realllly bad cramps for PMS that I went for a check up to a Gynecologist. The doctor said (after doing a USG check) that there was nothing wrong with me (my condition is fine, no tumor and such) it's just that.. I'm overweight.. Yeah I know that, I've been over since I was in elementary school. The doctor said I need to lose 25 kg!! WHOA!! Really hard to do.. but hopefully I can do it.. This concerns my health conditions, and they say exercise is necessary if u wanna be healthy and far away from all kinds of weird illness these days. (Mutia caiyou!!! -> menyemangati diri sendiri :P)
  2. Improve my spiritual side. I'm getting there.. praying 5 times a day for these 2 weeks I've fulfilled 'em on time. Cuz I got my cousin (who's staying at my place for a while) as some kind of personal reminder, just by looking at her pray straight away after the calling of prayer (adzan). Now I just need to get myself closer to Allah SWT, hope that I can really conversate with God through my daily prayers.
  3. Read more books!! Yeah..I've read alotta books lately, in Japanese it's called manga a.k.a. comic books, hahaha :D I should read more novels and non-fictions. I couldn't believe myself that when I used to go to school in America, I've read piles of books in a month! Wonder how I did that... *wondering to myself* My brains getting dull for reading too much comics without balancing 'em with other books.
  4. Take care of myself or pay attention more to what I look like. What I mean here is.. cleaning up my face from all the pimples I have and the scars left by 'em. And just being more attentive to my appearance (lebih memperhatikan penampilan diri) cuz I've always been a person who, u can say, ignorant of my own appearance, cuek banget dehh.. Maybe I should where make-up more often..?
Hope my resolutions can be fullfilled :D

domingo, diciembre 31, 2006


At the time I'm starting to write this, it's not New Year's yet at my place, but it might already be when I end this post.. depends on how long or short it's gonna be.

fiuh.. been a loooong time I haven't post in English. I these last couple of months, I just felt like expressing myself in Bahasa Indonesia, but then I rarely blog anyway :p haha

I just watched some of the special shows in sync with New Year's Eve. There were some Box Office Indonesian Films, like "Heart" and "Apa Artinya Cinta?". Good thing I didn't think about spending my money on those movies at the cinema, cuz I just watched 'em FREE on TV, hahaha :D (pelit banget ya gw?) Talking about movies, I want to watch "Happy Feet" at the cinema, but I don't know with whom I should go, it's not alotta fun going to the movies by urself.

Well..anyway, after watching "Heart" there were some scenes where I cried, but then some scenes (in my opinion) aren't necessary. And for "Apa Artinya Cinta?" well..lots of scenes went realllllllyyyyyy sloooooowwwww...

WAIT A SEC....!!!!

12:00 AM (WIB)

(back to the topic)

well lots of the scenes in "Apa Artinya Cinta?" went sooo slow I could've fallen asleep, if I didn't change the channel. I just hope that, in the future, the Indonesian cinema industry can come up with movies that have better plots and better flow of scenes. What I've seen from Hollywood and Disney's cartoons that made it big in the Box Office in the USA, is that:
  1. good concept and plot
  2. the development of the story and characters are smooth through out each scene
  3. scenes connect smoothly
  4. lots of movies that are touchy (menyentuh, bikin terharu gitu lohh!)
  5. the movies have morals in 'em
Now, Indonesian movies are finding it hard to do that. Maybe it's because of the market that makes them Production House produce movies without paying attention to the real essence of movies. And usually movies in Indonesia follows the movies that came out before (latah).. like there was a time frame of lovey-dovey-teen-drama movies then another period where it was all horror (like at the end of 2006, just this December 2006, it was all HORROR!!) They just can't make a movie without thinking of money, they can't make a movie with moral inside, can they?

I mean even cartoons..those Americans and Japanese really put their heart and head to it. There's a message that u can take from those cartoons, and the scenes are well-arranged. I think "movie people" in Indonesia still need to study more in making good movies.

Sometime in the near future, I'd like to see a movie at the cinema where it takes up a "touchy" topic that can be taken from peoples' lives happening in the local area, that is... from inside Indonesia itself, but no big mansions, luxurious cars, and all those other lux things involved. Topics that happen normally in Indonesia, taking up the positive side not the negative. Like there were some Box Office movies (which're lame in my opinion) where it exposed the dark and negative side of living in a metropolitan area like Jakarta, which is the capital city where, as they say, have become "modernized", haha BS.. what the heck is "modernized"?? I say it's Westernized, not modernized.. Western stuff does not mean modern.. Sorry for all the Westerners out there, I just feel sad for the Indonesian people who have lost their culture. Those people who have forgotten how being "People of the East" really is.. blinded by the
bling-blings of the Western world.

Oh yeah..and another thing that's been bothering my mind...
Kebaya is from INDONESIA.. Angklung is from
INDONESIA.. Gamelan is from INDONESIA..
QUIT claiming OUR stuff is yours....!!!! *sheesh* Where the heck is your brain man, taking other people's stuff.. *bleh*

(12:40 AM)

martes, diciembre 05, 2006


gw lupa pengumuman.. tgl 25 November 2006 gw Wisuda!! I have graduated from college, and have gained a S.Kom = Sarjana Baskom eh..salah.. Sarjana Komputer, huehehehe..

Retno Nindya Prastiwi, SE & Mutiardani Roosnauli, S.Kom


No..bukan Shiok nama resto di PIM 1 deket 21-nya.. bukan itu tapi SHOCK beneran gw.. :-O

hadooohhh.. Aa Gym, saya kuciwa dengan Anda.. ampe hari ini gw tetep antara percaya dan ga percaya.. ternyata seorang Ustadz juga bisa MUNAFIK yee, X-( hanya manusia biasa.

Gw inget omongan dia, waktu diminta ibu2 yg dengerin ceramahnya, "Aa jangan kawin lagi yaa..!"

Truz, Aa Gym bilang, "Aa mah ga bisa deh kalo poligami.." or something like that.. intinya, dia ga ada keinginan berpoligami-ria.

eeehhh..ini..malah kejadian.. katenye sih, laki2 yg deket2 umur 40 tuh "puber ke-2", halah Bull!! udah Teh Ninih-nya cantique, alim, putih, bae, istri yg bae, ibu yg bae tuk anak2nya, duh sempurna malah ngelirik yg lain yg putih juga.. :x pusying dah -.-!

Gw cuma kasian ama Teh Ninihnya.. di infotainment kemaren (Senin, 4 Des. 2006) Teh Ninih bilang dia ikhlas suaminya nikah lagi, tapi sebagai seorang wanita, wanita mana sih yg ga sedih suaminya nikah lagi sama wanita lain? Teh Ninih cuma minta kepada pemirsa tuk mendoakan dia agar bisa melewati semua ini, namanya juga cobaan, setiap cobaan dari Allah pasti ada hikmahnya. Walopun Teh Ninih bicara-nya tegar sekali, tapi bisa diliat dari matanya udah berkaca2, kayak mo nangis, mata tak bisa berbohong.

Kalo gw yg jadi Teh Ninih mah, udah gw maki2 tuh Aa Gym. Yaa..masa' Teh Ninih yg selama ini mendampingi, dr nol sampe bisa jadi success sekarang, di-dua-in gitu, kerja kerasnya Teh Ninih sebagai seorang wanita, seorang istri dan seorang ibu selama ini, dr jamannya Aa Gym masih bandel sampe jadi alim, dari ga punya apa2 sampe punya perusahaan besar & ponpes, dari bukan siapa2 sampe jadi orang terkenal di seluruh nusantara, selama ini Teh Ninih yg dengan setia mendampingi. Like the English proverbs say, "Behind every GREAT Man, there's a GREAT Woman." Suksesnya sang suami, tergantung pada istrinya.

Gw sih ga sudi.. istilahnya.. gw yg selalu di sisi lo selama ini, gw yg support lo selama ini, sukses yg lo capai sampe segini... sekarang yg nikmatin cewe laen?!?!?! KURANG AJARRRRRR!!!!! Brengsek.. X-( X-( X-(

Tapi kocak juga, di salah 1 infotainment kemaren, pas cerita tentang Aa Gym & his second marriage, background song-nya by Ratu yaitu "LELAKI BUAYA DARAT".. bwahahahaha.. mampussss....

Ini sms forward-an yg gw dapet...

Forward dr HALIDA HATTA:

Msh byk jln mcari pahala. Tdk
perlu dgn b'poligami, krn pasti ada
yg t'sakiti. Dan adil hny milik Allah
& para Nabi. Hilang sdh teladan
suami yg baik dimata ibu2.
Mshkah kita mau mdengar
ceramahnya ttg kel sakinah??
(dr ibu2 sel.Ind yg kecewa..Tlg

Gw forward lagi ke temen2:


Msh byk jln mncri pahala. Tdk
prlu dg b'poligami, krn psti ad yg
t'sakiti. Dan adil hny milik Allah &
para Nabi. Hilang sdh teladan
suami yg baik dmata ibu2.
Mshkah qta mau mdngar
ceramahnya tntg kel.sakinah??
(dr Ibu2
&prmpuan sel.Ind yg
kecewa..Tlg sebarkan..)

lunes, noviembre 06, 2006

Light a Million Candles!!

The innocent victims of Internet child abuse cannot speak for themselves.

But you can.

With your help, we can eradicate this evil trade.

We do not need your money.

We need you to light a candle of support .

We're aiming to light at least One Million Candles by December 31, 2006.

This petition will be used to encourage governments, politicians, financial institutions, payment organisations, Internet service providers, technology companies and law enforcement agencies to eradicate the commercial viability of online child abuse.

They have the power to work together. You have the power to get them to take action.

Please light your candle at or send an email of support to

Together, we can destroy the commercial viability of Internet child abuse sites that are destroying the lives of innocent children.

Kindly forward this email to your friends, relatives and work colleagues so that they can light a candle too.

domingo, noviembre 05, 2006

diare + infus

haiyah..not connected to internet fer some time.. cuz of alotta things.. sering ga di rumah daaaannnnnn...............
hari Kamis kemaren ini gw diare!!!! jadiii..begini ceritanya....


Kamis, 2 November 2006
2:30 AM
Gw terbangun dr tidur tuk buang air kecil... abis itu balik ke kamar mo tidur lagi... tiba2... koq mual ya? pengen muntah, perut ga enak.. ya sudah, pergi ke lantai bawah tuk bikin teh en laporan ke Ibu. Ibu nemenin gw yg minum teh manis hangat en kemudian minum obat (Antangin). ga lama setelah itu, mual bangetttt ga tahan.. akhirnya ke WC dan keluarlah sebagian isi perut lewat mulut (alias muntah sodara-sodara). keluar dr WC (krn berpikir udah muntah nih 1x) minum teh lagi en Antangin. eeehh.. malah muntah lagi + mencret (excuse the language) abis itu mencret lagi beberapa kali, truz muntah 1x lagi (total 3x muntah sampe sini). sekitar 3:30 AM merasa agak enakan setelah minum teh manis hangat (Antangin-nya ga diminum lagi karena takut muntah lagi -.-! )

3:30 AM
Gw tidur lagi

5:30 AM
Gw di tempat tidur ngerasa perut kosong. kemudian berpikir "Mungkin laper kali ye? Karena tadi muntah isi perut keluar semua.." jadi gw turun lagi ke lantai bawah bikin roti. selembar roti dengan selai strawberry dan juga bikin teh manis hangat lagi. baru 1 gigitan ntuh roti, perut ngerasa ga enak lagi.. tapi tetep mencoba memakan, dan habislah selembar roti itu dengan bantuan teh tuk ngedorong rotinya ke dalam tenggorokan.. tiba2 mual tahan... buru2 ke WC dan muntah lagi.. (total 4x muntah sampe sini) dan juga mencret lagi..

7:30 AM
setelah beberapa kali lagi mencret, merasa agak mendingan, sms Nurul tuk minta maaf ga bisa dateng ke tempat janjian karena sakit, Nurul bales dgn nelpon. Nurul (yg calon dokter alias anak kuliahan FK) bilang banyak2 minum air & dibantu dengan oralit, kalo udah bisa makan, coba makan bubur dan/atau pisang. ya sudah saya ikuti. untung buburnya bisa masuk, udah ga ngerasa mual lagi. abis itu tidurrrr...

selang-seling antara tidur dan ke WC mencret..
(total 4x muntah, dan mencret tak terhitung, dah lebih dr 10x mungkin)

11:00 AM
ke WC lagi mencret.. abis keluar dr WC, tadinya tiduran di sofa depan TV, karena agak puyeng pas di WC kayak orang mo pingsan, gw memutuskan tuk berbaring di kamar Ibu-nya yg lebih deket ma WC. Ibu dateng tuk kasih oralitnya tuk diminum plus 1 botol air putih. kemudian gw minta Ibu pegang leher, TERNYATA!!! DEMAM sodara-sodara... yeah, I got a fever.. karena tadinya dikira getting better pas pagi2 skitar jm7/ jm8, ga jadi dibawa ke dokter. tapi karena pas siang itu panas, diputuskan tuk dibawa ke dokter.

12:20 PM
Arrival at the clinic... sampe di klinik kantornya bokap (di kantornya bokap tersedia fasilitas kesehatan [klinik]) dan beberapa menit kemudian ditanya ama suster knapa, lalu masuklah gw ke Ruang Emergency. karena lagi jm istirahat, dokternya ndak ada di tempat. setelah susternya telpon dokterya, ternyata dokternya lagi di Masjid. dan Pak Dokter bilang (setelah diceritakan kondisi sang pasien bernama Mutia) kayaknya langsung dirawat aja deh, kayaknya perlua dirawat di Rumah Sakit!! Gw shock ngedengernya! masa' cuma karena diare, gw di rumahsakit-kan?!?! -.-! Kata suster begitu, kecuali mo nunggu dokternya dateng ke ruangan. Mom & I said mo nunggu dokternya. setelah dokter dateng & periksa, beliau bilang hal yg sama, kemungkinan perlu dirawat, karena orang yg gemuk lebih cepat kehilangan cairan tubuh kalo diare....
kemudian Pak Dokter berpikir sesaat..
"Atau kamu mau coba di rumah dulu dengan dikasih obat dr sini & minum air yg banyak? Tapi di-infus aja dulu disini.. Gimana?"

Gw berpikir...saling liat2an dgn Ibu.. "Ya udah deh Dok, infus aja.."

aihhiaihaihaihiahia.... O_o! atu tatut jayum!!!
alias.. AKU TAKUT JARUM!!!
tapi daripada gw harus nginep di RS, bikin repot orang.. infus aja deh.. toh kalo ke RS bakal di-infus juga. lagian gw udah berpikir pagi2, pas Nurul bilang harus minum yg banyak biar ga dehidrasi, krn klo dehidrasi bisa shock dan kemudian pingsan!! pada saat itu gw mikir..kayaknya cara paling cepet masukin cairan ke tubuh lewat infus deh, karena kalo minum air (lewat mulut) kalo kebanyakan, eneg juga en bisa mual lagi..

jadilah gw memakai infus..karena langsung dikasih 500 cc & tetesan infusnya dicepetin, jadi pengen buang air kecil! sumpe de kebelet banget gw, padahal cairan infusnya tinggal dikit lagi..tapi tetep gw tunggu cairan abis, ampe darah gw naik ke selang infus!! baru deh, suster copot infusnya, dan saya bisa ke WC dgn tenang. sakit kepalanya yg bikin mo pingsan ilang bo'! tp ga 100% ilang sih, masih agak2 nyut2an dikit. jadi setelah dr WC & udah slese di-infus-pun, gw tetep rebahan di Ruang Emergency, nungguin bokap gw pulang kantor. abis stlh di-infus, udah sore gituh, sekalian aja pulang ma bokap, toh kliniknya di komplek perkantoran bokap.

lucunya, pas hari Jumat gw sehat seperti biasa!! kagak ada mual2 lagi!! aneh bin ajaib, gw sembuh!! tapi sakit perih2 dikit masih ada di perut ampe sekarang (Minggu malem).

well doakan saya yaaa teman2.. agar cepet sembuh 100% keadaan membaik. ini juga obatnya masih ada yg harus diminum sih, jadi masih harus nunggu Senin atau Selasa tuk pulih bener. haduh..cobaan.. coba-aaaan... ckckck... ada2 aja penyakit sehari gawat bangete, hari berikutnya ok ok aje -.-! aneh...

sábado, septiembre 23, 2006

i-ring insof & Ramadhan

The results were out last night (Friday, September 22nd, 2006) on Jak TV at 8:30 PM. It was the Finals for the Greater Jakarta Area. "Pick Up the Phone" won 1st place!! Emang hebat... tapi lucunya pencipta lagunya terinspirasi gara2 waktu itu, he tried to call his girlfriend but she wouldn't pick it up!! ^^;

But then..of course lagu paporit (favorit) gw dong...Asta's song "Pandangan Pertama" got 2nd place!! CONGRATULATIONS AND CELEBRATIONS!!

"Pandangan Pertama" was written by Asta (Astono Andoko - CS2009) together with his friends Anindyo Baskoro & Rayi Putra (these last 2 aren't from Binus International). But then, when they were on stage to perform last night (selain Asta) there were other BI students performing together... Adisti Putri Bramanti (CS2007) on keyboard and Arya "Lale" (CS2009) on guitar. This proves that BI students are not only smart academically but also musically. (actually we've a concrete evidence of that already: Gya, Bams of The Samsons, and Ryan [if I'm not mistaken] of Omelet sorry if I got any of your names wrong here) cieee.. Adisti disorot camera melulu lho!! hehe..

Congratulations to Asta and friends! Keep on being creative and wish u luck for the next song fest :D

Oh ya! And another thing..tonight Moslems all over the world will start praying tarawih which means Ramadhan will start tomorrow and we Moslems will start fasting... The Indonesian way to say it is.. "Mohon maaf lahir batin." Please forgive me for all my faults and if I said anything that hurt you. May Allah SWT bless us all in this holy month of Ramadhan.

Congrats once again to Asta and friends... And hope for all my brothers and sisters here who are fasting, Allah SWT will pour His blessings down upon us in this coming month of Ramadhan. Also to my brothers and sisters in campus, hopefully we can have another "Break the Fast and Sahur on the Road" event again like last year. BMS please arrange it ;)

viernes, septiembre 15, 2006

Kampung Hijau Mampang

Beberapa hari yg lalu gw nonton O Channel acara dki'15. Tentang Kampung Hijau Mampang (di daerah Mampang Prapatan, JakSel). Hebat bener deh.. Dalam kurun waktu 7 bulan, udah dapet predikat "Kampung Hijau"!!

Jadi di RW 003 Mampang Prapatan, sampah basah & sampah kering dipisah. Sampah basah dijadiin compost. Sampah kering (seperti plastik) dijadiin art craft, jadi warganya bikin aneka craft dan dijual (dapet duit deh!).

Jadi ini ada kerjasama ama pihak swasta dan juga pemerintah setempat and of course warganya lah! Jadi dari pihak swasta ada pelatihan untuk:
  • Penghijauan
  • Pembilahan sampah
  • Komposter
Jadi semua warga dilatih how to recycle and stuff, and try to make their neighborhood "more green". Mereka juga menanam beranekaragam tanaman. Dari tanaman2 buah, buah2nya dipanen. Hasil panennya dipakai untuk usaha warga, seperti puding buah yg kemudian dijual (dapet duit lagi deh!).

Gw salut banget ama RW ini.. bener deh.. I've never seen anything like that in Indonesia, let alone Jakarta! ^^;

Gw pengen se-Jakarta dan kalo bisa se-Indonesia pada bisa begitu semua. Kalo bisa, ga hanya Recycle, but ALL the 3 Rs, that is:
  • Reduce
  • Reuse
  • Recycle
Reduce would mean, mengurangi pemakaian barang2 yg sulit untuk recycle. Reuse, menggunakan ulang benda2, seperti kantong plastik dari swalayan bisa digunakan ulang tuk plastik sampah. Recycle, mengolah kembali barang yg tak digunakan. Mis: sampah basah, seperti sampah dapur (potongan sayuran) diolah lagi menjadi pupuk compost atau kaleng2 minuman soda bisa didaur ulang jadi kaleng baru lagi.

Kalo waktu gw doeloe tinggal di Amrik, dari kecil (SD kalo ga salah) anak2 itu udah diajarin tentang "The 3 Rs", jadi orang bule sono udah terbiasa dengan hal2 begitu. Semua itu adalah kebiasaan sih dan juga knowledge. Jadi kayaknya perlu juga sosialisasi tentang awareness of the environment and nature di sekolah. Yach..itu harapan gw..semoga saja di Indonesia tercinta ini bisa terwujud :)


Tadi pagi gw nonton berita.. Ada tentang pertandingan tennis di Bali, Wismilak International. Banyak peteni Indonesia yg berguguran di medan perang (lho? medan perang maen tenis maxudnye) tinggal ANgelique Wijaya yg bisa kita harapkan ^^

Tapi baru kali ini gw nonton berita ampe ketawa2 ga jelas gitu loh.. Jadi begini ceritanya... kameranya kan nyorot pertandingannya truz sesekali nyorot ke penonton. Nih pas nyorot ke penonton yg ada di samping lapangan (bukan di ujung2 deket pemain) lucu banget deh.. Disorotnya lammaaaa ampe heran, pas gw perhatiin ternyata yg disorot 4 orang yg sangat serius sekali melihat pertandingan tenisnya, sehingga mata ke-empat orang itu selalu mengikuti bolanya.. Sumpe deh, kocak banget..kepala 4 orang itu pada bergerak barengan ngikutin arahnya bola tenis..kocak banget!!! Truz ada 1 orang dengan santainya, memakan sesuatu sambil matanya tetep lengket ma bola.. Bener2 deh..sinkron banget.. ke kiri.. ke kanan.. ke kiri.. ke kanan.. ke kiri.. ke kanan.. ke kiri.. ke kanan.. ke kiri.. ke kanan.. ke kiri.. ke kanan.. huahahaha

Eniwei, this afternoon I'm going to Bogor, besok sepupu gw (Bang Rino) mo nikah :D Jadi tadi gw ke Harvest beli kue tuk dibawa ke sana nanti. Nah..pas gw baru masuk pintu Harvest, gw ga tau knapa, gw dapet feeling gw bakal ketemu someone that I know.. Eh bener, I didn't notice it before, but I noticed when I was at the cashier paying for the cake. Di sebelah gw Luna Maya!! Gw agak2 kaget, tapi of course gw ga mau keliatan norak, so I resisted the urge to ask her to take a pic with me^^ haha... but when I was waiting for my change and my cake, I observed Luna Maya, she's about as tall as me (but I'm still taller than her, huahaha..) but then her legs are sooo skinny.. kecil banget.. hadoh.. gw pengen badan gw sekecil dia... huuuhh.. long way to go.. Need to start my fitness routines again.. ga melar2 amet sih, tapi bentar lagi Ramadhan.. hadooohhh.. pusying...

Ngomong2 fitness nih yee... Gw udah lama banget ga fitness, gara2 Thesis bodoh itu. Dan Marie France Bodyline (MFB) gw juga terlantar (T_T) kalo ditimbang emang berat gw naik, tapi kalo pas pake baju agak2 longgar, logikanya kalo gw naik lagi timbangan, pake baju juga susah ya? Tapi ini enggak. Cuma jeleknya, kalo ikut MFB tuh ya..kita mengecil yaaa mengecil aja. Kalo fitness tuh ya, badan gw kebentuk, kencang gitu dan otot jadi keliatan. Jadi gw pengen mulai fitness lg, tapi bentar lagi puasaaaa... huaaa... susah..

Tadi pagi baru ambil kebaya di laundry. Besok pagi Akad Nikah abang sepupu.. siangnya ampe sore resepsi di gedung, gw jadi penerima tamu. Hari minggu acara Adat Bataknya.. dan gw sebagai salah 1 adenya, akan mempersembahkan tarian Tor-Tor, yaitu Tor-Tor Muda-Mudi, Tor-Tor persembahan ade2nya pengantin atas pernikahan mereka :D Wish me luck.. btw, pegel banget lho nari Tor-Tor, walo gerakannya itu2 ajah (T_T);;

martes, septiembre 05, 2006

tired after e.COM 2006~

whoa..where should i start..?? I dunno.. lots to tell.. e.COM 2006 was held August 30th - September 2nd, 2006 !! I was asked to help out on alotta things.
  • Day 1, 3, 4 : Jury of Spelling Bee & help Pronouncer practice the words
  • Day 2 : Jury of Story Telling
  • Day 4 : be the MC *wif Tante Tika* of Lunch Performance & Closing Ceremony!!

yup..lots to do..abis, gw juga Peng.Acara seh, pengangguran banyak acara, huahahaha...! I really didn't have anything to do & since I like participating in e.COM all these years ( you get alotta new frenz, networking bo'!), I accepted their requests (they as in my juniors being the committee) :D

And so I start my e.COM days...

Day 1

I arrive at campus after the Opening Ceremony ended. At the lobby I met Raymond (the great-grandfather of e.COM -- CS 2005, already graduated) and since he was there just to look around and I still had time before Round 2 of Spelling Bee (SpBee), kita keliling2 JWC bareng. Udah kayak Bapak dan Ibu guru mengawasi gedung ^^; Abis Ray kan emang udah orang kantoran, jadi using pakaian orang kantoran dan gw nge-Jury pake blazer ^^

Keliling2 ke lantai 2, 3 & 4, truz ke back lobby, kayak Mandor.. And at the back lobby there were Sponsors' stands (Prefere ice cream, Kusuka cassava chips & Hop Hop [kalo versi Indonya sih cendol, wahahaha]) and also other people who opened up F&B stands. There was Icha (her Aunt opened up a juice stand), Adisti & Mom (selling Taco & Nachos), Eko (wif his usual sandwiches), Faustina and Vivin (I think that's it). Lotsa food, sponsors who don't sell food have stands on the 3rd floor as the years before.

At Adisti's stand I met Almy (anak STAN, and also a debater, dat's why like the year before, she was there to be an Adju for e.COM) so we talked a while after that, 'til it was time for us to start "our job". Being a SpBee Jury is really hard, 1st you have to concentrate on the letters the participant is saying and 2nd you have to pay attention to the correct spelling and then compare it to what the participant spelled.

At Lunch Performance, it was supposed to be Aldy's band (Raison D'Etre) performing, but Raison couldn't make it. So Aldy called his friend to substitute, turns out it was a band from Moestopo (ini mah univ. tetangga)!! The band was named "Senbei Band" if I'm not mistaken..and they sang anime songs!! They were really good. After they got off stage, I told my juniors in BiMus (Binus Musician Club) since they already got to know these band kids from Moestopo, they should probably have a collaboration together (Binus International & Univ.Moestopo), as "neighbors" to make a Music Fest! That'll be really cool. Karena selama ini tetanggaan tapi saling cuek2an.

After Lunch performance, 'twas the announcement of the participants who made it to Round 3 of SpBee. After that I was done for the day. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I met "Bang Karim" at lunch performance. Then in the afternoon (after SpBee was done), I picked up my Thesis at the Photocopy place, but since I didn't bring my photos & Thesis Soft Copy on a CD that day, Student Service said to turn it in the next day together with those other things. And so, since I didn't have anything else to do, and Karim was gonna go home, I asked Karim to drop me off at home..hehehe..tumpangan gratizzz from mai pren Karim (thanx for the ride 'rim!) huehehe..

After I got home, I turned on the TV and enjoyed my time..'til there were some noise at the gate. Since I was too lazy to see who was at the fence, I called my maid to see who it is (paling tukang, gw pikir). But then, after asking who it was, my maid said it was for me. Someone named "alba.. atau albang.. ga tau Kak.." (gw dipanggil Kakak di rumah) and so I went outside to see a familiar face.. two familiar faces actually! It was Abang & Bayu (look.. don't ask me why his name is Abang, he's juz called that way by everyone). And so after the 1st day of e.COM 2006 I had some guests..they left in the afternoon karena janjian ma temen di Blok M.

Day 2

On Day 2 (Thursday), I became a St.Telling Jury, along with Mrs.Luki & Mr.Pierre. We had alotta fun watching the participants' different ways of story telling. At lunch we ate together in the hallway, there we found out alot more about each other..

Take this.. The 3 of us were in Ohio, USA at the same time, in the '90s!! And we didn't know it.. Mr.Pierre and I were actually living in the same city (Columbus, Ohio), even the same campus! Ohio State University! But I was only in middle school back then, my dad was the one going to OSU, and Mrs.Luki was in Toledo, Ohio. We had great conversations during lunch, that we didn't really mind bout the not-so-good food (Ya ampuuunn Nopiiiinnn...! I can't cut through sambal goreng dagingnya dan bakwan jagungnya O_o!)

From all the participants that we judged, there were some who were stuck in my mind..either cuz of their "uniqueness" or they're really good.. Oh yeah, the theme for the 1st round is: "My Life"

  1. Fendy - ni orang atu gw inget karena setelah dia cerita tentang his daily life, going to school and stuff, dia ngomong "I'm actually shy to say this, but I model.." dueng *gubrak gubrak* yeah kid, I see u're tall enuff & good-looking enuff fer dat.. sampe2 ank2 comittee yg cewe juga pada penasaran setelah gw cerita, pada ngomong "eh yg ana sih? yg mana sih orangnya?" sambil nyari2 gituh ^^ haha
  2. Primananda - intro with singing, the middle of story with singing (telling about the traditional dance class she has, she presented Tari Saman from Aceh lengkap dengan lagunya dia nyanyiin!!), outro also with singing!! her voice was so beautiful pure that Mrs.Luki asked her to join Indonesian Idol!! I also told her to do so.. dan juga, ternyata, Nanda ini is my li'l brother's senior! si Nanda ini dari SMUN 8, my bro's high school.
  3. Catherine Shannon - she told the story of her life as if she was a different person. she begun with "Do you know that girl? That girl named Catherine Shannon. She's too shy to tell others about herself, and so I am here to tell you about Catherine Shannon." and the rest of her story was interesting to hear.. ada bagian2 yg kocak.. haha.. I even laughed as a Jury!! (I'll post up her story later on)
  4. ?? - this one girl, I'm sooo sorry I forgot ur name li'l girl, but this girl's story was interesting & the way she told it, there were parts that made me almost cry! and so the story goes, she went to the Science Olympic in Argentina and won a silver medal in Biology! when she got home, she had her pic taken with the President (SBY)! but the sad part of her story was, when she was in Argentina, her mother passed away cuz of cancer.. hix hix.. huweeeeee

Those are just some of the participants who were interesting in St.Telling...

Eniwei, on the 2nd day of e.COM, I decided to attend the Evaluation Meeting. As usual, new kids are always noisy.. sigh (you know who you are..!)

Day 3

On Day 3, back to SpBee.. good-ol'-boring SpBee.. I'm sorry to say, even though I've participated in Spelling Bee in the US & was a representative of my school (that means I could spell), it's boring compared to Story Telling ^^; huehehe.. Day 3 is Friday, in Lunch Performance, Adie's band (Sigma) is performing. Jadi pas lunch ketemu ma Adie & Aril and their other friends in the band (Lilies, Dimas & Furqon, kalo ga salah nih namanya..) belakangan dateng Adi (sepupunya Adie) and another friend. They sang a couple songs, including their own song, which was really good!

I also attended the Eva this day. I had to, cuz the next day was gonna be the Last Day of e.COM 2006 & I HAD to know, what their plans are gonna be when famous people are coming for the Closing Ceremony (Gya & Nidji). As usual, newbies are all noisy, to the point where Woen (Melissa Woen) screamed out to tell everyone to be quiet and make a circle (after Andrew tried to tell everyone to get into a circle, but no one would budge or move or quiet down. 'drew man, u got to get some angry expression on your face! I've never seen you angry at all in e.COM 2006! sometimes u need to let that angriness out.. ga usah galak, tapi tegas, gitu loh)

After Woen went home, and the meeting starts to heat up, all the newbies start a "market" again! And so I was the on who screamed out, "Guys you need to be quiet, this is serious matter here. All of you need to know what is going on tomorrow, cuz we've famous people in campus, and I need to know how the flow of people is gonna be like. So I need you to be quiet!"

After that everybody got quiet, and Andrew continued his explanation of all the plannings of Day 4. Got home kinda late on this day.

Day 4

Day 4!! Finally..coming to the end.. This day I was requested to be the MC, a duet with Tika (MK 2007) at Lunch Performance and also Closing Ceremony. We had a blast! I say Tika and I nailed it! Tika says, "We killed it!" haha.. we had alotta fun!! Especially on the Closing Ceremony..even tho it's hectic, we did it! I was amazed that we could get through 3 hours of standing up, haha.. not exactly 3 hours u might say, when we're not on stage, we'd be sittin' down.

But I myself, feel very amazed being the MC on Nidji, who were performing in our campus!! I mean OUR campus, JWC!! I was standing so close to the vocalist (Giring), that I had to resist the urge to....pull on his curly hair! hahaha... it was sooo curly! But then I have to give my salute to Nidji. They really have an interesting stage act, which doesn't bore the audience. It was really fun when Tika & I were introducing Nidji. We were screaming to the audience, telling 'em to scream for Nidji.. "Nidji..Nidji..Nidji..Nidji" again and again..'til someone screamed and pointed to the lift, there they were..Nidji!! In my campus' lift! Comin' down from the 4th floor! And Tika and I were like, "Here they are..give it up for..Nidji!!!!!" was alotta fun screamin' like crazy MCs, and also for the Closing, we were givin' away handphones!! It was realllllyyyyy, really (x1000) FUN!!! 'twas a once in a lifetime experience! Thanx to Nana and Grace (AC 2008) who gave this chance to me, by requesting me to be 1 of the MCs in this event :)

After the Closing was done and lotsa the participants going last year..The committee were taking pics & also doing a HUGE LINE DANCE!! haha.. there were songs that were coincidentally were on my playlist at home (Nelly Furtado's Promiscuous Girl and Xtina Aguilera's Ain't No Other Man) gw JeBe-an (ikut2an) dalem line dance and was the only one without almamater jacket! huahaha..udah gitu angkatan paling tua and the only one from Batch 2006 lageeeehh! malu jadinya..tapi ga pa2, kan jadi awet muda gw.. bwahahahaha..

Sebenernya banyak lagi cerita2 dari e.COM 2006, tapi karena ada beberapa temen yg penasaran tentang e.COM 2006, I will present this for the moment, hehehe :D